Q3Stats is a Web application that allows you to import and analyze stats generated by CPMA mod for Quake 3: Arena.
Q3Stats is a Web application that allows you to import and analyze stats generated by CPMA mod for Quake 3: Arena.
A few weeks ago I got myself a shiny new Pebble Time. A few hours after wearing it for the first time, I started playing with Pebble SDK. And friends, this is how I created IntuiClock.
Envelopes is a tiny library I wrote to make working with Python’s email and smptlib packages simple and fun.
The other day I was tasked with adding tagging functionality to one of the projects I’m working on. While this is quite basic functionality it comes with a few challenges - from properly configuring relations in the DB and the ORM, through properly handling operations on tags to properly handling connections between tags and tagged entities.
tune-control is a tiny command line program for Mac OS X that makes controlling iTunes or Spotify from shell a walk in a park. I wrote it because I often find myself working remotely on my MacBook and I need a way to control Spotify without physical access to the machine.
How often do you need to limit access to a Web app to few people? Very often, right? Sometimes it doesn’t make sense to implement full-blown users management and authorization. All you need is login and password prompt and credentials storage for a few people. I faced the same problem in an ongoing pet project of mine and decided to go with basic HTTP auth with a plain old htpasswd file storing user credentials.
Tomek Wójcik
Developer, webmaster, part-time bassist, music addict.
BTHLabs owner and mastermind.